Overcoming the Drama!

Overcoming the Drama!

Does your salon/spa have drama? Are you exhausted from dealing with those drama queens/kings? Is drama hurting destroying your salon/spa culture?   If you answered yes, then check out this webinar on how to Overcome Drama. Click below to watch the video and learn...
The Six Figure Club

The Six Figure Club

          Brigette Sobus increased her average ticket by $50, and she wants to show you how in a free webinar where she’ll reveal the strategies she used to earn her spot in the 6-figure club.   That’s right, she’ll show...
The Art of Asking for Referrals

The Art of Asking for Referrals

Do you know your main source of new business?   Is your team afraid of asking their clients for referrals?   Would you like more business to come walking through your salon/spa doors?   If you answered YES to any of these questions, then it might be...
Marketing to Your Next Generation of Clients

Marketing to Your Next Generation of Clients

Is your marketing/branding ready to attract the largest generation of new clients?   Are you still placing ads in local magazines/newspapers?   Did you know you have the largest generation coming your way for services, treatments and products?  ...
Whats Your Image Telling Your Clients?

Whats Your Image Telling Your Clients?

Do you know what your personal brand is saying about you? Are you looking to attract new clients? Do you every wonder why clients don’t return to you? If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then it might be time to think about your personal...