Well my friends its July again and that means one thing… It's time to do your mid-year assessment of your team's accomplishments. That's correct there is only 6 months left in this year.
The question is are you and your team on target to meet the goals you set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year?
Holding a team meeting in July to review your salon and spa's accomplishments, your teams accomplishments will act as pep-rally and empower your team to take ownership of what still needs to get accomplished before the year ends.
Key targets to review:
Review Goals -Begin your team meeting by reviewing your company's goals that you established at the beginning of the year. Make certain that your entire team is present. From your front desk, stylists, spa technicians, nail techs, office managers, etc. By having your entire team involved in you will gain a higher level of buy-in and it's a powerful opportunity to make certain your entire team is all on the same page and have a clear understanding of your company's year's goals.
Create a visual for your team – list your goals on the left side with two columns (accomplished /still in progress) to the right. Review each goal with your team and place a check mark if it has been accomplished or is still in progress. This will become a powerful visual tool for your team to identify what still needs to take place this year.
Praise and Reward – Celebrate your team's victories – acknowledge team members for special accomplishments. Remember, even the smallest of victories need to be acknowledged. Be creative in the areas that you praise. We often tend to acknowledge the highest retailers, the service provider that had the most referrals. These are all important areas, however, remember you have an entire TEAM of people. Acknowledge your front desk for outstanding customer service, your office manager for getting all of your P&L's completed each month. Share success stories, letters from salon and spa guests. Make certain you tell your team you appreciate them and that what they do every day does make a difference.
Create a Plan of Action – With only six months left in this year to accomplish your goals – you need to create a plan of action with your team. All of the goals that you marked off as still in progress develop a plan to accomplish them. Get your entire team involved. Hold a brainstorming session with your entire team on action steps, the WHY it is important to reach the goal, the HOW it can be accomplished, the WHO will take ownership of the goal. This is a very important step in your mid-year team meeting. Remember, without a plan and a direction you will never get where you want to be.
Remember, the old saying "time flies when you're having fun" Don't let this year just fly by and not reach your goals. Don't wait until September or October to realize the year is almost done. Take action today – your team involved and hold a mid-year accomplishment review meeting.