It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Well, kind of.

The holiday season, as we all know, is supposed to be one of the busiest times of the year for salon and spa owners.

Not only are we having to deal with promoting the holiday specials and motivating our team to get in the spirit, but we’re still in a pandemic which means that this holiday season is more important than EVER before.

So, you may be feeling overwhelmed and a little lost but here are some things to keep in mind in order to stay focused.

Plan – Schedule time in the calendar to work on your marketing (and stick to it!).
Presence – Get your name and brand out there, make sure you’re seen by your clients, really declare your presence.
Promote – Make sure your social media is on point and train your team to excel in their customer service.
Purpose – Focus on your purpose; your “why”. What is it you want to achieve? Set your goals.

Watch the video below to learn easy strategies that will ensure a successful and profitable holiday season for your business.

Here are the 3 most important things to focus on for success:

1. Set Goals

Compare what you did last December in sales to this year. Ask yourself what the gap is to hit your retail sales for this year. Make sure you have clarity on where you want to be after the holiday season. Without goals, you’ll just be taking a shot in the dark.

2. Train Team

Plan out a team holiday meeting so that you’re all on the same page. Share with them some scripts that they can use that will help promote your specials. Discuss goals and have them create their own. Make it fun! Have some little games to play, wear Christmas-themed outfits, and bring snacks and drinks. Energize the room and lighten up the mood so they feel motivated and engaged.

3. Track Your Results

Create a simple tracking sheet and delegate out the tracking tasks. Track your retail, your add on services, your gift cards, etc. Keep everyone in the loop throughout the day so that you stay on track with your goals. People will support what they help create.

So, don’t let this holiday season become a dud. Follow the steps in the video above and you are sure to have a profitable, thriving, and successful holiday season in your business!

Are you needing a fun, new promotion idea for the holidays? Download the Gift Giving Tree Tool to increase up-sells, client retention, and team engagement.

Are you interested in jumpstarting 2021 with a strong plan and get detailed insight into where your business can improve? Virtual Onsites are a great way to set your business up for the new year. Coach and Consultant Meg King will meet with you and your staff virtually to assess what’s broken or needs refined, how to lead team meetings to help get your entire team on the same page, powerful front desk training, and one-one-on leadership strategy between you (the owner) and Meg. Click the button below to sign up for a call with Meg and to get signed up!

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