Hosting a Profitable Open House

Hosting a Profitable Open House Are you considering hosting a salon/spa Holiday Open House? Do you ever wonder why Salon/Spas are so successful with hosting events? Would you like to actually see a profit from your Holiday Open House? If you answered YES!, be sure to...

Money Tools You Can’t Live Without!

Managing your money and budgeting whether be your personal or your business can be a daunting task. Good money management can mean many things: living within your means, saving for the future, or having a financially strong business. To have a realistic plan and to...

Not Good with Money? Know Your Story of Numbers

Does it feel like no matter how hard you work, you never have enough money? Do you ever wonder how some individual manage their finances and you struggle month to month? Would you like to see more profit at the end of each month? If you answered YES!, be sure to watch...

Avoid the Slow Months with Powerful Promotions

Every salon or spa has its busy months and then its slow months! It’s simply a part of doing business! The question is: What can you do help avoid those dreaded slow months? How about creating some effective salon/spa promotions to drive business and dollars into your...