Let’s face it: As business owners, interviewing goes with the territory. We are always looking to replace a key stylist or service provider, looking to improve our front desks, add on new assistance to grow into lifelong team members, etc.

Yes, interviewing is part of our lives as owners; however, we aren’t born knowing how to be good at it!

As a matter of fact, most of us need to grow this skill set.

Hiring good employees is a key foundation to any successful business. But selecting the right people is hard work. After all, you’re not just hiring a warm body to fill a position, you’re looking to hire someone who will contribute to the growth of your business and to represent your brand.

And often, the most important step in hiring is the interview process.

Here are a couple tips for interviews:

Personally, I like to create my interview questions around behavioral questions. These questions require the candidate to give me examples from their past experiences and describe to me how they used those specific skills.

For example: If your salon/spa culture is built around providing exceptional customer care and you ask the interviewee a question around customer service and they reply with a statement like, “Oh yes, I deliver great customer service.” That answer is meaningless, unless they can provide a concrete example of how they provide great service. It’s through behavioral questions like these that you can determine if this candidate fits your salon/spa culture.

To hold a successful interview also means being prepared. Having your questions on hand, having the time to be present for the interview… and I don’t just mean physically present, I mean emotionally. Take the time to go through several interviews with the same candidate. Yes, the interviewing process is a timely proposition. However, you are looking for team members who fit into your culture, work well with your existing team, and individuals who can contribute and help grow your business.

And it’s no simple task.

Ask the right questions.

Ever wonder which questions to ask? We’ve included a complimentary interviewing tool with our top interview questions so you can use the ones that will net you the best fit for your salon/spa’s culture.


We hope you enjoy this tool!

If you need help maximizing the tool or if you want some customized strategy on improving your salon’s level of performance, sign up for a complimentary 30-minute strategy session with an Empowering You Coach. We’d love to dig in deeper and get to know you and your business.