Watch out! The Grinch isn’t only out here stealing Christmas…he’s out for your joy and your freedom too.

When it comes to making money, we don’t often think about “boundaries” as being an issue. We all have set boundaries, healthy and unhealthy, subconsciously because of what we were taught growing up.

Do you have a lot of chaos in your life? It may be because you don’t have healthy boundaries set.

Once you identify what is missing with your boundaries, you’re able to set positive ones that allow you to focus your energy on the important things only.

Watch this training to identify 3 areas of you life where you need to create boundaries in order to experience more joy and freedom in your business:

Break free from the chains that are holding you back from joy and freedom during the holiday season! These 3 areas are where you should focus first:

1. Client and Staff Boundaries

Depending if you’re an owner, a service provider, or both, I’m sure you’ve had to deal with disrespectful clients or staff. When clients/staff start becoming our friends, it’s easier to let things slide. Slowly, over time, it begins to suck the joy out of you. The people who want you to succeed will be happy with your boundaries! Write down what your ideal client and ideal staff looks like, and determine if your current ones fit the mold. If not, you have to decide if you want to coach them UP, or coach them OUT.

2. Money Mindset Boundaries

We all have a different relationship when it comes to money. Some of us were taught that it’s bad to have a lot of money, that we have to work to the bone to make a lot, or that we don’t need a lot to be happy. Unfortunately, sometimes that carries over into how we see our self worth. It’s easy to get sucked into your client or staff sob stories but once you identify what your current money mindset is and what you want for yourself, you can create your new money mindset and declare what you deserve.

3. Emotional Boundaries

We’ve all been on the emotional rollercoaster from time to time. It’s normal and totally okay to feel out of whack sometimes. However, it does matter how long you stay on it. Do you find yourself focusing more on what could go wrong versus what could go right? Our emotions control how much joy we have in our lives. Write down a power and possibility statement that you can go back to every time you’re feeling low. Display it somewhere you can easily see it and remind yourself that you have the power to change your perspective!

Want to learn more in depth on how to create more joy in your business? Be sure to watch the training.

We want to hear from you! Comment below with some of the ways you set healthy boundaries in your life and your business and share your success stories.


If you’re a service provider and love instant results, especially during the busy season, check out our Six Figure Tribe program. With the help of our certified coaches, we have proven systems to help you achieve your financial freedom. Learn more here.

FREE GIFT: Stop waiting for success to find you and start creating your action steps to more joy and freedom. Download our Get Rid of the Grinch Boundaries Tool today.

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