Action Plans Make GOALS happen!

Action Plans are the number one secret to effective goal setting. Achieving your goals doesn’t require brilliance or talent.  It does, however, require determination, and a realistic Action Plan.  Through affective planning and developing realistic Action Plans for...

7 easy tips for more balance in work and life.

Set Goals – Goals provide us with a general direction for our lives.  Begin by dividing your goals into three main areas – personal, professional, and financial. Clarify Objectives – Setting objectives for our goals will assist not only accomplishing our...

Marketing within our Salons and Spas

Before we go down this path of new exciting ways to market to new guest, lets educate ourselves on the difference between advertising and marketing! Have you ever found yourself asking the question “what exactly is the difference between marketing and advertising”. ...

How to Hire the Next Rockstar

Do you ever wonder how you can find a great employee just like you? Some of the hardest things a salon owner has to do are recruit, hire and train a new employee. How can you find the right personality and drive in an employee at the right time? We have a few cool...

Ten steps to success

10 Steps to Business Success People often wonder how highly successful small business owners make a large amount of money each year. They often want to know the secrets to being successful. Here are ten habits of highly successful small business owners. 1. They are...

What is your personal qualities?

Leaders are Learners In a recent extensive survey conducted of 90 top business leaders, one of the questions proposed to the group was: “What personal qualities are most important in running your business effectively?” Charisma, “dressing for...

Invetory Control

The cost of lost sales While many smaller retailers think that they need more inventory to be sure they don’t miss any sales, the reality is that too much inventory almost always leads to lost sales. This is where having too much inventory can actually impact a...

Welcome to Empowering You’s new blog!

Empowering You Consulting is a service-oriented firm designed to promote management-based profitability for salon and spa owners. Empowering You understands that the salon and spa industry is a highly specialized niche with specific business needs, and we understand...