Gearing Up for a Busy Holiday Season

Gearing up for a busy holiday season – Educate staff on how to provide first class service   With less than 8 weeks away from your busiest season – now is the time to begin training your staff on the value and the importance of providing first class...

Coaching 1o1

As Salon/Spa owners, managers, and/or directors we all have one thing in common and that is to create a winning team.  The challenge is how do we create a winning team or perhaps it’s how do I coach my team to become a winning team.  The answer is this...

Mid Year Assessment Team Accomplishment

Well my friends its July again and that means one thing… It's time to do your mid-year assessment of your team's accomplishments. That's correct there is only 6 months left in this year. The question is are you and your team on target to meet the...

Training Tips For Your Front Desk

Follow this easy formula to train your staff on just about anything in your Salon/Spa.  Simply follow the “tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them and tell them what you just told them” method.  Instructions  Tell Them What...

Is your front desk making you money?

Or do you view it as a non-profit center within your salon/spa? When most salon/spa owners are asked that very question, they would say I don’t really know. Did you know the front desk is the most under-utilized part of most salons/spas today? The reason for...

How to deal with conflict in your salon and spa

In our day to day life within our salons/spas we are faced to deal and resolve conflict.  Conflict unfortunately is a natural part of any business or part of life, whether it’s dealing with internal customers (your salon/spa team) or your external customers...