Front Desk Profits

Is your front desk making you money?  Or do you view it as a non-profit center within your salon/spa? When most salon/spa owners are asked that very questions they would say I don’t really know. Did you know the front desk is the most underutilized part of...

Make your Meetings ROCK!

Pre-Meeting Planning: Begin by creating an effective plan of action for your meetings. Know what you want to discuss and focus on – once you have a clear picture it’s time to create your agenda. They key to creating an inviting agenda is to make certain...

What’s your Business New Year’s Resolution?

  The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on your businesses’ progress over the past year and begin to plan how you want your business to develop for the New Year. It’s time to make some decisions to ensure that your Salon/Spa is prospers in...

Additional Services: Up Selling Contest

This contest is designed to maximize each individual stylists time they are spending with their guests.  Through adding on services, they are increasing their Average service ticket, building customer loyalty and increasing the chance to sell home care to the guest!...