It’s Time to Level Up

It’s Time to Level Up

Think back to a time where money was tight for you. Maybe it was when you first started your business, maybe it was when the pandemic started, or maybe it’s right now. Can you think of how that made you feel? Not the best, right? You were probably thinking “how do I...
Success Money Mindset

Success Money Mindset

When you think about your mindset around money is it positive or negative? We all have this thought about money that stems from what we were taught when we were younger. “Money doesn’t grow on trees, you have to work hard to make a lot!” “You can’t make a lot of money...
The Myth & The Magic

The Myth & The Magic

The question we all wonder….is there a magic to making money? Unless you’re a magician that can make money appear out of thin air, then no. There’s not. Have you caught yourself wondering why you work so hard, maybe even harder than your coworkers or people you see on...
From Bankrupt to Booming

From Bankrupt to Booming

“Having money isn’t everything, not having it is.” ~Kanye West Did you know that 74% of all businesses in the United States are NOT profitable? Why is your salon or spa not profitable? The culprit is usually one or more of these things… Prices are too low...