7-Figure Profit Plan

7-Figure Profit Plan

Did you know that 95% of owners don’t pay themselves a paycheck or they earn less than what they could at a job? Crazy, right? A lot of us were taught that the harder you work, the more money you will have. Well, that doesn’t work in the beauty industry. Sure, you...
Year of 2021 & Creating 2022

Year of 2021 & Creating 2022

Good riddance 2021 and hello 2022! Whether you will be popping champagne on NYE or sound asleep (we don’t blame you after the year we’ve had) it’s the perfect time of year to sit down and reflect on this past year and think about how we want our 2022 to go. “What the...
It’s Time to Level Up

It’s Time to Level Up

Think back to a time where money was tight for you. Maybe it was when you first started your business, maybe it was when the pandemic started, or maybe it’s right now. Can you think of how that made you feel? Not the best, right? You were probably thinking “how do I...
Success Money Mindset

Success Money Mindset

When you think about your mindset around money is it positive or negative? We all have this thought about money that stems from what we were taught when we were younger. “Money doesn’t grow on trees, you have to work hard to make a lot!” “You can’t make a lot of money...